Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dangers of Diabetes Medications

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, effecting millions of Americans. Patients have a variety of medications to choose from, with varying degrees of dangers associated with each. It is important to know what to expect before you take a new medication, to make managing diabetes easier.

Lack of exercise and diet control
As some patients begin to take medication, they may grow negligent in their eating and exercise habits, relying only on the medication to control their blood sugar. 

Unfortunately, taking medication only lowers blood sugar 1 A1C, which may not be enough. Type 2 diabetes requires lifestyle changes, as well as medication. Whether it is running, jogging, or even picking up a hobby like gardening, staying active will help patients alleviate symptoms of diabetes. 

Digestive problems
Gas, diarrhea, nausea and stomach pain are common when taking biguanides, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, sulfonylureas and meglitinides. Usually these symptoms lessen and decrease altogether after the body adjusts to the medication.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Foods That Maximize Nutrition for the Calories

Designing a healthful diet is definitely a balancing act that must take several important things into consideration. The three main concerns are the amount of energy in calories foods will provide, the amount of nutrients the body will receive from those foods, and how appetizing and tasty those foods will be. Nutrition is important when exercising, and a little knowledge of the food you put into your body will make a big difference.

The first two categories consider the cost/benefit relationship to health of the all-too-familiar calorie counting system that we must examine on foods. The final category is a matter of lifestyle, deciding how much of a benefit taste will be. No matter how well a meal stacks up in the first two categories, if it doesn’t make a certain grade on taste, no one will eat it.

Nutrient Density

Adding nutrient dense foods to the diet ensures that the body will receive the maximum load of vitamins, minerals, proteins and healthful fats relative to the number of calories they provide. One of the ways nutrient density is measured is by the ANDI scale or Aggregate Nutrient Density Index.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Diabetes - A deadly Foe

Diabetes mellitus is one those deadly health conditions that have either been ignored or taken for granted by the sufferers. The implication of this neglect is that some of the people affected end up dying prematurely, while others have ended up with severe complications which they have to live with for the rest of their lives.

Dangerous as this condition is, some people have lived with it for years without being aware of its presence until it gradually destroys some of their body’s vital organs. Diabetes is a silent killer which needs to be discovered on time and the necessary steps taken to combat it and minimize its effects on the individual’s health.

How deadly is diabetes?
It is a disease that has the ability to completely destroy your life and reduce your life span by at least 20 years. Some of the effects it has on the body that actually overwhelms the body include:

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