Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Diabetes Mellitus: 10 things you must avoid in order to live longer

Every diabetic patient has a potential danger lurking around the corner. What you allow into your system may finally set off the danger and cause harms to your health. Sometimes some practices could also be a source of harm to you as a diabetic.
Certain foods and habits must be avoided if you must stay healthy all the time and enjoy longevity of life. When certain rules are not obeyed the patient reduces his/her life span unknowingly. Some of the things you should avoid include:
1. Excessive consumption of sugar: The diabetic already has a problem with the metabolism of carbohydrates (remember sugar is carbohydrate), therefore to avoid overwhelming his system with excess load of free glucose he must avoid consuming excess sugar. Normally sugar is converted by insulin into glycogen to be stored in the liver while the remaining ones are utilized by the body. Since this process is impaired, the diabetic must minimize the quantity he takes in to prevent overloading his system. Don’t take too much soft drinks/chocolates.
2. Excess physical exercise: physical exercise is very good for our health, but if it has to be done it should be moderate. This is to prevent pushing the individual to an extreme state of burn out where the glucose level in the blood is no longer adequate to carry the person. When the diabetic over exerts himself he goes into a state known as hypoglycaemia (a condition in which the blood sugar level is less than normal). Don’t forget that the problem of the patient is not only with the enzyme, insulin, but also with glucagon which helps to break down glycogen from the liver for the body’s use.
3. Too much weight: Weight gain is also a problem that should be carefully avoided. This is because the more your weight increases the more energy your body would require. Obesity also leads to resistance to insulin even if it is released in its right quantity by the pancreas.
4. Over-the-counter drugs: Some drugs are not compatible with the diabetic. Some either worsen the condition or even push an individual into the state if he is already predisposed. Before taking any drug make sure it is prescribed by a medical doctor. Don’t patronize quacks and don’t also prescribe drugs for yourself. Tell your doctor or pharmacist about your condition before taking any drug.
5. Starvation: You must never starve yourself for any reason. You should not fast and if you must do it for religious reasons it shouldn’t be for a prolonged period of time. This helps to prevent hypoglycaemia.
6. Drug without food: Before taking your insulin ensure there is food. Don’t ever take it when your food is yet to be ready or when there is no food at all. This can make you suffer hypoglycaemia and it is usually not easy to regain consciousness when you lose it because you did not eat before taking your drugs. Don’t also take more than the prescribed dose of your drugs.
7. Overeating without taking your drugs: Eating heavy meals without taking your drugs can lead to free flow of excess glucose in your blood stream and this could make you experience a state of unconsciousness (hyperglycaemia). Ensure there is a state of equilibrium between your food and your drugs.
8. Stress: Stress is known to reduce one’s immunity. Stress can also lead to increase in insulin resistance. When this occurs the normal insulin would not be able to perform its usual work of sugar regulation in the blood.
9. Exposure to injuries: The diabetic must do everything humanly possible to prevent injuries to his extremities – the hands and feet as these could become easily infected. Infection could bring about several complications such as ulcer, gangrene or death of the affected part, and amputation.
10. Dehydration: You must avoid dehydration that may come from too much physical exercise or sports, vomiting or lack of intake of fluids or water. Reducing too much physical exertion helps to minimize the loss of electrolytes and fluids necessary for body metabolism.

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