Saturday, June 26, 2010

How To Prevent Late Development Of Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is preventable, since we can understand the factors contributing to its development. With adequate knowledge of these factors, all you need to do is to prevent them. To be able to effectively check the problem from surfacing later in life, you have to first equip yourself with the knowledge of those factors that trigger it off.

Some of the things you could do to prevent the late development of type 1 diabetes therefore include:

1.Prevent Obesity: Obesity happens to be one of the worst culprits that help to trigger off type 1 diabetes later in life. Most people add more weight from the age of 40years; if this is not controlled it could lead to inability of insulin produced by the pancreas to control blood sugar levels, since the insulin receptors on tissue cells are reduced. Obesity is not only promoted by diet, sedimentary lifestyle also permits it.

2.Avoid drug abuse: Don’t use drugs which are not prescribed for you by a medical doctor, because certain drugs .e.g. corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics have the ability to trigger off diabetes.

3.Don’t over eat: Over eating loads the system with glucose molecules and calories that would require the pancreas to over work itself to convert them into glycogen for storage in the liver and muscles. This could lead to eventual failure of the pancreas, or the insulin produced may not adequately take care of the excess sugar. When this continues for a long time, the individual could become diabetic. Stop over eating and you might be able to effectively prevent this problem.

4.Avoid eating late: Eating late in the night leads to situation where many calories are absorbed into the system and never utilized – this eventually add up to cause an increase in weight, which eventually triggers off this problem. If you must eat in the evening, it shouldn’t be after 7:00Pm; and you have to stay for at least one hour after dinner before going to bed.

5.Visit your doctor: You should cultivate the habit of seeing your doctor whether you are sick or not, in order to have your system examined. Medical test would detect early enough if there are risks of developing diabetes mellitus. When such risks are detected, they are easily handled before they become a major health challenge.

In order to prevent obesity you need to check what you eat, in addition to controlling the quantity of food intake. You need to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and fats (especially saturated fats).

Stopping alcohol and smoking could also help to prevent liver diseases such as hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, which are known to be contributory factors to the development of type 1 diabetes.

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